Have you heard about #حفلة_شاي_بوسطن that led to the independence of the United States of America called #Boston_Tea_Party Here is a picture of Boston Harbor, from which the spark of the revolution started. #متحف_الشاي #الرحال_وائل_الدغفق #رحال_الخبر #رودRK
Historically, on this day (12/16/1773) what was historically called (Boston Tea Party) took place, which is the rise of a number of English settlers who disguised themselves as Red Indians carrying axes and boarded English ships in Boston harbor and unloaded 340 From tea boxes in the sea… Continues…
This act was the result of protesting against the tea tax imposed by the government in London on them, as the settlers believed that they should not be taxed without representation in the English Parliament and their revolution known as “No taxation without representation.”
Such protests and their developments led to the independence of the states that united in the name of the United States of America... especially since Americans have become very fond of tea and every American consumes more than 300 cups a year...
The slogan became "Dump the tea in the sea". A cheer chanted by children at the American Independence Day celebrations, on the Fourth of July every year in Boston. This chant occurred three years after the Boston Massacre in 1773.
The throwing of tea load by revolutionaries in protest of the British taxation marked the beginning of a massive revolution for independence. Americans were so fond of tea that in 1760, they were drinking over a million pounds of tea a year. So, when the British wanted to raise taxes on the tea beloved to the Americans, they didn't give them a chance.
وهكذا اصبح الشاي في حفلة بوسطن للشاي أحد أول المسببات لثورة وحرب عالمية ادت لاستقلال الولايات المتحدة من بريطانيا. وتعد هذه أول حرب عالمية بسبب الشاي كون الشاي وقتها يعد المشروب الاهم بعد الماء.. وتقبلو تحياتي #متحف_الشاي #الرحال_وائل_الدغفق #رحال_الخبر #رودRK +